Spiritual Direction

/ Spiritual Companionship*

“Spiritual Direction is a special kind of conversation. More than dialogue. It is “trialogue”.
(from Klemens Schaupp)

Spiritual Companionship…

Is spiritual, because…

…it occurs as a communal listening for the small, inner movements of the Holy Spirit. The paraclete (John 14) is the advocate, comforter and true companion, …

Is companionship, because…

…it is healing, to confide in someone in a safe space and to invite the companion to accompany oneself on the path to becoming whole with God.

You are invited to a free introductory conversation. My conversation room is located at the Family Center of Bammental. Conversations via skype can also be made possible.

For more information, please download the PDF-file below:

*The German term “Geistliche Begleitung” can be translated a number of ways. “Spiritual Companionship” more closely reflects the meaning of “Geistliche Begleitung”, and aptly describes my approach to this practice. However, for the purposes of this website, I will frequently utilize the more widely-used term “Spiritual Direction”.